Monday 26 September 2011


“Myths of Science” quiz.
Each statement below is about science. Some statements are
true and some are false. On the line in front of each statement,
write a “T” if it is true and an “F” if false. Then support your
response to each statement with at least one paragraph on a
separate sheet of paper.
_F__ 1. Science is a system of beliefs.
_F__ 2. Most scientists are men because males are better at
scientific thinking.
_T__ 3. Scientists rely heavily on imagination to carry out
their work.
__F_ 4. Scientists are totally objective in their work.
__F_ 5. The scientific method is the accepted guide for
conducting research.
_F__ 6. Experiments are carried out to prove cause-andeffect
_F__ 7. All scientific ideas are discovered and tested by
controlled experiments.
__F_ 8. A hypothesis is an educated guess.
_F__ 9. When a theory has been supported by a great deal of
scientific evidence, it becomes a law.
__T_ 10. Scientific ideas are tentative and can be modified or
disproved, but never proved.
_T__ 11. Technology preceded science in the history of
_F__ 12. In time, science can solve most of society’s problems

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